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    热固性材料毛细管流变仪 可以测定高聚物的软化点、熔点、流动点、粘度粘流活化能,...


    热固性材料毛细管流变仪   可以测定高聚物的软化点、熔点、流动点、粘度粘流活化能,热固性材料的固化温度等性能指标。这些数据对研究高聚物流变性能有重要的作用






    其中  R—毛细管的内半径,这里   R=0.635 mm          



    剪切速率为: =4Q/πR3                      


    其中 Q—挤出流量cm3/s













         4、控温系统及控制方式性能优越,利于测定不同温度下高分子材料的变化及相关性能。此仪器用计算机控制并绘制试验曲线,显试时时曲线变化,并得出的agen-poiseuilleRabinowitschmelt flow rute等方程数据。


    型号 BML-400

    A. 最大试验容量 5kN 10kN  

    B. 测试速度 0.005-20 mm/min

    C. 负荷测试精度    ±0.5%

    D. 负荷分辨率 100000

    E. 位移精度    ±0.5%

    F. 变形精度    ±0.5%

    G. 变形分辨率    0.01mm

    H. 动态速度比 1:40,000

    I. 最高测试温度 400°C   

    J. 温度控制 PID 控制,解析度0.1°C,误差度<±O.5°C

    K. 升温速率 1-10℃/min,连续可调,并可快速升温

    L. 控温精度 显示<±0.5℃  

    M. 温度分辨率 0.1℃

    N. 料筒直径 11.28 mm 15mm9.5  择一

    O. 加热料筒长度 200 mm

    P. 料筒材质    碳化钨

    Q. 测试膛 电子加热测试膛,抽换式料筒

    R. 压力传感器 容量择一 1000bar 700 bar 1400bar  

    S. 精度 < 0.25%

    T. 材质 不锈钢、可抗腐蚀、耐高温

    U. 毛细管 口膜材质 碳化钨

    V. 尺寸(L/D 5/0.510/120/140/1mm  

    W. 塞头直径 φ11.28 -0.012mm-0.05mm

    X. 塞头面积 1cm2

    Y. 测试模式 恒速、恒压、等模式

    Z. 控制软体 BML 系统

    AA. 电源 220V50/60Hz8A

    AB. 重量 180 kg

    配置名称 数量

    (1) 试验主机 一套

    (2) 高精度控温表 一块

    (3) 进口伺服控制系统 一套

    (4) 进口伺服电机 一台

    (5) 数据采集系统 一套

    (6) 数据处理系统 一套

    (7) 高精度传感器 一只

    (8) 专用出料模口

    (9) 5/110/120/140/1mm(标配) 各一件

    (10) 专用口膜托件 一只

    (11) 品牌计算机 一套

    (12) 彩色喷墨打印机 一台

    (13) 专用试验软件 一套

    A capillary rheometer can measure the softening point, melting point, flow point, viscosity and viscous flow activation energy of polymers, as well as the curing temperature of thermosetting materials and other performance indicators. These data play an important role in studying the rheological properties of polymers.

    Experimental principle

    The basic principle of capillary rheometer testing is to set an infinitely long circular capillary tube, where the flow of plastic melt in the tube is a stable laminar flow of incompressible viscous fluid; Due to the viscosity of the fluid, it is inevitably subjected to forces from the pipe wall in the opposite direction of the fluid. By deducing the principles of fluid mechanics processes such as the balance between viscous resistance and driving force, the relationship between shear stress and shear rate at the pipe wall, pressure, and melt flow rate can be obtained as follows:

    The shear stress when the material flows through a capillary tube is:

    τ= R · Δ P/2L


    Where R is the inner radius of the capillary tube, where R=0.635 mm

    Δ P - Pressure difference of material flowing through capillary tube, kg/cm2

    L - The length of the capillary tube, for example, when selecting a capillary tube with a length to diameter ratio of 30:1, L=38.1mm

    The shear rate is:=4Q/π R3


    Where Q - extrusion flow rate cm3/s

    Therefore, under certain conditions of temperature and capillary length to diameter ratio (L/2R), the flow rate Q of plastic melt passing through the capillary under different pressures can be measured. based on the flow rate and the pressure difference Δ P at both ends of the capillary, the corresponding shear stress and shear rate can be calculated. A set of corresponding τ By plotting the flow curve on logarithmic coordinate paper, the non Newtonian index (n) and the apparent viscosity of the melt can be obtainedη a) ; By changing the temperature or the length to diameter ratio of the capillary, the viscous flow activation energy representing the temperature dependence of viscosity can be obtained; And physical parameters that characterize rheological properties, such as the expansion ratio of the mold.

    Data processing

    1. Start the operating application software.

    2. Enter experimental report information.

    3. Add data files and input experimental parameters for experimental operations.

    4. Filter data. View the filtered data and check its validity and reasonableness.

    5. Display curves and data.

    6. After the experiment is completed, print and save the data and curves.

    7. Turn off the system.

    Equipment functions and characteristics:

    1. The capillary rheometer is a computer-based intelligent constant pressure capillary rheometer that can operate at constant pressure and speed. It measures the extrusion speed of various specifications of capillaries under various pressure conditions at different heating rates and temperatures through a computer. Record the extrusion speed, pressure, and heating temperature through a computer. Automatically processed into viscosity number. Draw the curve and print the complete report.

    2. A capillary rheometer is used to measure the flowability and curing rate of polymer materials. Measuring the viscosity of polymer material melt

